欧州連合知的財産庁は、3月22日付、政令DECISION No EX-22-1を発行し、改正された欧州連合知的財産庁審査ガイドラインを2022年3月31日より施行したことを公示した。本ガイドラインは欧州連合商標(EUTM)と共同体意匠(RCD)に関するもので、改正版では参照先のリンクを5000超追加し、他の上規定、判例などを参照可能とするとともに、従来は見るとこができなかった絶対的拒絶理由による拒絶案件が参照されている。
A) 欧州連合商標
Part A: 一般規則
Section 1: Means of Communication, Time Limits
Section 2: General Principles to be Respected in the Proceedings
Section 3: Payment of Fees, Costs and Charges
Section 4: Language of Proceedings
Section 5: Parties to the Proceedings and Professional Representation
Section 6: Revocation of Decisions, Cancellation of Entries in the Register and Correction of Errors
Section 7: Revision
Section 8: Restitutio in Integrum
Section 9: Enlargement
Part B:審査
Section 1: Proceedings
Section 2: Formalities
Section 3: Classification
Section 4: Absolute Grounds for Refusal
Part C: 異議申立
Section 0: Introduction
Section 1: Opposition Proceedings
Section 2: Double Identity and Likelihood of Confusion
Section 3: Unauthorised Filing by Agents of the TM Proprietor (Article 8(3) EUTMR)
Section 4: Non-registered trade marks and other signs used in the course of trade (Article 8(4) EUTMR)
Section 5: Trade marks with Reputation (Article 8(5) EUTMR)
Section 6: Geographical Indications (Article 8(6) EUTMR)
Section 7: Proof of Use
Part D: 無効
Section 1: Cancellation Proceedings
Section 2: Substantive Provisions
Part E: 登録簿手続き
Section 1: Changes in a Registration
Section 2: Conversion
Section 3: EUTMs and RCDs as Objects of Property
Section 4: Renewal
Section 5: Inspection of Files
Section 6: Other entries in the Register
Part M: 国際商標
B) 登録共同体意匠
登録共同体意匠出願審査:Examination of Applications for Registered Community Designs
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Filing an Application with the Office
Section 3 Allocation of a Filing Date
Section 4 Examination of the Substantive Requirements
Section 5 Additional Requirements Regarding the Representation of the Design
Section 6 Additional Elements that an Application Must or May Contain
Section 7 Multiple Applications
Section 8 Payment of Fees
Section 9 Withdrawals and Corrections
Section 10 Registration, Publication and Certificates
Section 11 Corrections and Changes in the Register and in the Publication of Community Design Registrations
Section 12 International Registrations
Section 13 Enlargement and the Registered Community Design
意匠無効申立審査Examination of Design Invalidity Applications
Section 1 Purpose
Section 2 Introduction – General Principles Applying to Invalidity Proceedings
Section 3 Filing of an Application
Section 4 Adversarial Stage of the Proceedings
Section 5 The Different Grounds for Invalidity
Section 6 Termination of the Proceedings
Section 7 Other procedural issues
Section 8 Appeal
変更公示 ガイドライン