
アメリカ特許商標庁(USPTO)は、2024年7月17日から適用する人工知能(AI)を含む新しい技術イノベーションに対応するため、特許対象適格性(35 § USC 101)に関するガイドライン更新版を公示した。


■  Claims to “collect[ing] information on a user’s movements and location history [and] electronically record[ing] that data” (i.e., “creating a digital travel log”), Weisner v. Google LLC, 51 F.4th 1073, 1082 (Fed. Cir. 2022) (citation omitted). Under the USPTO’s guidance, this is an example of “managing personal behavior or relationships or interactions between people.”

■  A claim to “monitoring the location of a mobile thing and notifying a party in advance of arrival of that mobile thing [ ] amount[s] to nothing more than the fundamental business practice of providing advance notification of the pickup or delivery of a mobile thing,” agreeing with the district court that “business practices designed to advise customers of the status of delivery of their goods have existed at least for several decades, if not longer.”Elec. Commc’n Techs., LLC v. ShoppersChoice.com, LLC, 958 F.3d 1178, 1181 (Fed. Cir. 2020). Under the USPTO’s guidance, this is an example of a fundamental economic principle or practice.

■  Claims to methods for detecting fraud in financial transactions during a payment clearing process, including determining when there is a match between two financial records, sending a notification to a bank with authorization to process the financial transaction when there is a match, and sending a notification to a bank to not process the financial transaction when there is not a match,Bozeman Fin. LLC v. Fed. Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 955 F.3d 971, 978 (Fed. Cir. 2020). Under the USPTO’s guidance, this is an example of a fundamental economic principle or practice.


AI関連情報サイト https://www.uspto.gov/initiatives/artificial-intelligence/artificial-intelligence-reports